How to fix "'No video available" problem in Top Eleven?

How to fix "'No video available" problem in Top Eleven?

Are you not able to watch the ads provided by Top Eleven? In this article, you can find a few solutions which have helped many managers to fix the issue recently.

Why watching videos/ads is important?

In-game videos or sometimes called "ads" are one way for you to earn free items. You can use this feature to earn boosters or cash for your team. Managers usually generally watch videos to increase his "rests packs (also known as Green packs)" because it helps to improve player skills with repeated training followed by rest packs injection. Managers at lower also use this feature to earn "cash" to increase the budget as maintaining a healthy budget is a serious challenge at the lower level (Usually 1-5 levels).

So watching videos help to improve the team condition in different ways. Presently the game is providing us with 25 videos (and sometimes few extra videos which can be used directly to the players in terms of Moral, Rests and Treatment packs) in every 24 hours
Common reasons for not getting ads
We often see managers complaining about not able to get videos. Sometimes the game says the "The video service provider does not have any videos available at the moment. Please try again later" and the ad button will turn into black like below.

This problem generally happens due to the 24 hours rule about which you may be aware of.

What is "24 hours rule"? (Don't have any videos available for the day?)

The new Top Eleven rule of watching videos is that you can't watch more than 25 videos within 24 hours. The rule was different (and better) in earlier versions. According to the earlier rule, you can watch 25 (or 30 in the much old version) videos in a "top eleven day". A "top eleven day" is the time between the start of the new day in the game to the end of the day. But according to the new rule you have to wait 24 hours to get a new video after you have finished watching 25 videos. You will get a new video 24 hours from the time of the first of the 25 videos you have watched recently. Then you will get another video from the time of the second of the 25 videos you have watched recently. 
So patience is the key here!!!

Sometimes the issue is different. When you tap the button to watch an ad, it continues loading forever just like below. 

Restarting the game sometimes fixes this issue. But if it restarting doesn't help then there are other solutions to fix the issue which are as follows.

1) Stable Internet Connection:

Slow internet connection is another reason the availability of new Ad doesn't appear. So you need to check your internet connection and restart the game. Also, we have got feedback that, in rare cases, the issue arises if you are using WiFi connection

2) Clearing Cache and Game data:

By clearing the Cache and Game Data many managers are able to fix the issue. I will give you the steps to this method with screenshots for both Android and iPhone. 

Android Users:

Step I
Go to your phone setting  and tap on installed apps

Step II
Search for "Top Eleven" and select it 

Step III
Select "Clear data" and then "Clear All Data"

iPhone Users:

**After clearing Game data when you reload the game it will download and update the Game-data. But don't worry, it will not effect your team or game setting

3) By Resetting Google Advertising Ad ID (Android Only)

If the problem is not fixed after using all the above-mentioned solutions then you can go for this method. But I recommend you to use this method as a last resort the get the videos back as there has been a saying that following this method violates the Top eleven terms and condition. Also, there is a rumor that using this method makes the problem worse.

But I have not met any managers who have used this method and faced any such consequences. Rather I have found this method has helped managers to get back the videos. So I recommend you to use this method as a last resort and at your OWN RISK.

The steps to the solution are as follows.
Android Users:

Step I
Go to your phone setting  and select "Google"

Step II
Under "Google", select "Ads"

Step III
Under "Ads" select "Reset Advertising ID"
That's it!


Never use VPN or related techniques to fix the problem. Some managers might have found it useful to use VPN and changing the location to get the videos back. But I have met many managers whose Top Eleven accounts have been deleted or blocked due to the use of VPN. So never go for it even if someone is recommending it

Let us know if the article was helpful or not and feel free to ask if you have doubt on anything. We will appreciate your valuable feedback.

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