Tactics/mentality/Orders | Beginner's Guide

Tactics/mentality/Orders | Beginner's Guide

Many wonder what the best tactics to use, what the mind or even what the orders to be given to the team. But this can vary from team to team. We have different positions on the field. Each one has to create or use a training your preference.
Some people like to use players AML / AMC / AMR / DML / DMC / DMR, there are others who prefer the classic 4-4-2 or 4-3-3 and etc ... I'll show tactic 5-3-2 for example.
As you can see in the picture to the left, this training has no ML / MR, then, to "replace" their absence, the DL and DR are in the red arrow, that way, they end up going a little further in positions ML and MR but also defend their home positions which is DL and DR. As if we are simulating someone who does not like to play with amc players (l / r) and DMC (l / r) took a MC and put the red arrow, for it to end up going to attack, but he he returns to defend its position. It is worth remembering that for each team must be adopted a tactic according to his players, skill and the positions they occupy. Currently the most used in the game tactics are the 4-4-2, 4-3-3 and 3-5-2. And each training is good against another. Example: 4-4-2 loses to 4-1-2-1-2 formation (Narrow Diamond) ...

Also has orders training, which is a very important factor, see in the picture next to the orders adopted to this training.
These orders are the patterns of play (except for the active option Counterattack) work well with classic formations. Normal mentality is good when you do not want to be attacking a lot and eventually becoming vulnerable to counterattacks. That is, if their training is highly aggressive and that of his opponent is defensive and with the option counterattack, you have many risk being thrashed. Always try to find the opponent's style of play and their training, always study your previous games. Mixed passes preferably is good when you have a training with players all over the pitch, and the opponent as well. When your opponent has a training "closed" with players focused on the environment, the "both sides" of the passes is a good thing.
Style passes, long passes are recommended when you are playing defensively and also is playing with the counter-attack option on and know you will have little chance to stay with the ball. Already short passing is when you will want presar the ball.

Remember to always also set the self-replacement option, defaults shots, penalties, free-throw charges, corners and captains. Prese always use especias players with skills in the area.

  • Captain: Must be chosen in my opinion a player with an age not too advanced or too low (24-27 years), then for their their physical / mental abilities. So pick somebody smart to lead the team.

  • Shootout: A player with special skill in penalties. If your player does not have that skill, choose the player with the highest score in the ability completion / kick / mental.

  • Free throw (Absences): A player with special skills in free. But if you have not a specialty, opt for a player with good kicking.
  • Corner: Opt for a specialist player in corners, or if you have not one, give preference to the one who gets the highest score at intersections.

Also remember to check the morale of his players, said not select someone to hit a corner / penalties / free kicks and a captain from them are the moral low.

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